Meet My Guides

Say hello to J.A.M!!

I’ve been asked many times before about my spirit guides… how many do I have? How long have they been with me?… I never gave them names really (or more like they never shared their names with me), until a few days ago I was watching a makeup YouTuber that I like and during his intro he said the name Augustus (that’s not the YouTuber’s name, and honestly don’t remember why he even said it!) The strange thing was as soon as he said it, something in my brain clicked and I was like, “oh, like Gus!”… and then I just randomly started speaking with my guides to confirm the name. Yup! So Gus was one…but what about the other two? And they stepped forward and shared their names, which are Jack (or Jacques)… and Mary (or sweet Mary). Funny thing too is I was sharing this with a client later and she was like “oh cool, their J.A.M!” I hadn’t even realised it! Plus I found that terribly amusing because I do like the expression “that’s my jam”… or “no, that’s not my jam” lol! So yup… those are their names. :0)

Below I have included some descriptions for each of them and also used one of my own oracle decks to help describe each of their personalities. It was pretty fun pulling out the “personality deck” and seeing which cards they wanted to use… I pulled out the “yep” and “hello” cards a couple of times so obviously they were wanting to say hi! Anyways, without too much more of an introduction… here’s J.A.M.!!

For the most part it’s like my Spirit Guides are sitting at a bus stop. I have always pictured that… but if I’m doing a mediumship reading, then it’s more like there’s extra people waiting at the bus stop waiting and wanting to come through and speak. I think sometimes this is a gentle reminder to me that I am the driver of my own bus. So spirit guides and other energies can get on and off the bus, but ultimately I am the one who has to stay on it and live this life… so please remember you’re your own bus driver!! Whatever your guides are trying to share, it is ultimately your decision to accept it and move the bus in one direction or another.

I do find Jack to stand out the most! He can be very direct… he also usually is wearing a fedora and reminds me a lot of this one character in the movie Heart and Souls (as pictured below). I do believe they were all humans at one point, or at least Jack very much was and lived the longest on this earthly realm. After that would be Mary, and then Gus. Each of them have very strong personalities and I do think at times conflict, which makes it super “fun” for me! Ha ha!! However, depending on the situation, energies and questions being asked, I find one guide may step forward faster or more clearly than the other two. Jack is like a big brother type energy… Mary is sweet and friendly… and Gus… well I think Gus just wants people to get along so he can be left alone a bit. He does make me wonder if he was a boxer in a previous life though… he isn’t afraid to say things bluntly if pushed or questioned harshly either. Whatever the case may be, they are here to protect me and remind me to live my life to the fullest. They are very much characters and silly and like to have fun… so during my readings there may be some swear words or random jokes… but that’s their way of connecting and trying to fully engage with the other light energies around me. So I hope this little “info sheet” on them helps you to see them as very colourful, funny characters… and hopefully they can help guide you with any questions you may have in the future, too.



-wanted to be an opera singer but think he ended up being more of a door-to-door salesman, so encourages peoples to follow their dreams

-he can be a bit of a “know-it-all”, and doesn’t feel bad about it!

-quick with decision-making; will cut off bad energies fast

-very protective (so again, older sibling type energy)

-not as “spiritual” with his communication (comes through fairly easily and clearer with his messages. Probably spent more time as a human at one point. Not sure why but he makes me think of Elbert Einstein. Very intelligent… didn’t like me using the word “smart”)

-he sees our world more concretely for what it is (so he answers better with time and money questions)

-also hear the song: “hit the road Jack… don’t you come back, no more no more no more no more … ” the point is, he can be stubborn and can come across as an a**hole (if warranted)… so in other words he is very blunt in speech/nature

-wears that hat! (kind of like wide brim fedora… probably a mobster/ Indiana Jones wannabe in past life… or more likely wanted to be an actor or stage performer. Enjoyed mobster movies)

-sits back and watches more so than the others (yes he is clear when answering questions but doesn’t typically intervene right away)

-connection is through OLD MOVIES

-likes his trench coat… really enjoyed movie Casa Blanca … so one to push you forward for your dreams and romantic desires (however I don’t believe he was ever married or had children during his lifetime)

-likes structure!! He is not one to goof around

-more serious, cautious and even pragmatic (compared to other two guides)

Jack’s hat and “look” (again very similar to the character from “Heart and Souls” movie… but he wanted me to put in a visual so I did! I think he worked very hard and liked looking “sharp” or well put together).



-think Cinderalla movie with little mouse called Gus Gus… very sweet and polite

-he likes his sweets! (so when connecting with him a lot of times it’s through FOOD)

-can be a bit sly

-does try to encourage community & friendship

-very observant of his surroundings

-nice and kind to people until there is a reason to withhold his energies

-may have been a photographer in past life

-enjoys nature and appreciates beauty

-sentimental but doesn’t always like showing emotion

-Libra energy… he likes fairness, justice and balance

-smaller in stature… so wasn’t always taken seriously when he was alive

-his words get muttled more with him… like garbled or as if he is mumbling

-Gus and Mary more like the “children” of my guides; whereas Jack is older, more the “parent”

-more of a romantic (whereas Jack envied those who fell in love because didn’t feel he had “time” for it… Gus easily fell in love)

-Gus may have been a chef in a past life… or likely a pastry chef… because for him it’s science and math and creativity all put together! (Plus very much enjoyed eating his creations!!)



-character that comes to mind when trying to describe Mary… Mary Sanderson from Hocus Pocus, Mary Poppins, and Mother Mary. (I also hear the tune “Mary had a Little Lamb”)

-has a very kind heart!

-likes children and childish energies

-she is very curious and likes animals and talks to plants

-she would’ve been more alienated when lived on Earth (had a deep and plentiful dream world and most likely got called out as a witch)

-definitely more sensitive

-very optimistic

-can at times wear rose-coloured glasses

-like a young child can be destructive in her behaviours when upset

-prefers to follow directions than being a leader

-can be a little clueless at times

-more fairy energy with her (she is very playful and almost naive with some situations)

-works with more prayers and spells

-jumps in on the fun! so enjoys dancing, singing… playing games… nature….

-her connection is more MUSIC and ART

-does not see the world like we do in terms of time and money, etc.


These last three cards are what my guides asked me to pull before closing out this post. They always want to share little reminders… and sincerely hope that you like them and can relate to their speech patterns and/or advice. They will try and step in to help me and at times I can be very stubborn and not want to listen! (They are very good at redirecting when it’s needed, lol!) But here are the cards… so please remember that J.A.M. is here to bring some peace of mind to your situations, and help you express your emotions while also finding some amusement in the everyday. They are very protective energies and want to impart wisdom and courage. Most importantly though, their wish is for people to get along and to be themselves. They don’t want people to be embarrassed or feel deep sadness. This is a human plain and we all go through different experiences and life lessons… but their hope is for you to enjoy your time on this earth, to learn and experience as much as you can… travel, laugh, love… and reach your dreams!!

So with that… I am glad to have introduced you to Jack, Augustus (he prefers Gus though), and Mary. I hope they get to speak with you soon! But for now, bye from J.A.M. and take care!!


Brandy Marie (and J.A.M.)

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