About Me

Hi! I’m Brandy Marie. I am an intuitive, medium, tarot and oracle card reader. I was interested in the art of Tarot from an early age, however I didn’t start studying it until late 2018 when I was in a car accident and was going through a divorce. A friend of mine at the time invited me to a class to learn how to read the major arcana cards in Tarot. After that one class I fell in love! I continued until I finished all the classes. In addition, I went to a dream interpretation course and completed the three levels of Reiki training. I went from working as a full-time social worker in a hospital setting to being on long-term disability and trying to overcome the stigmas of mental health and the physical limitations with ongoing migraines and fibromyalgia. It has been a real trip, to say the least!!

Even though it has been a lot of ups and downs since 2018, I have began to really learn who I am, who I can trust, and to believe in my own gifts. I honestly didn’t realize that I had been speaking with my guides, even as a kid. I was very fearful of the dark and was worried that any “voices” I heard meant I was schizophrenic. I do believe that I went through the “tough times” to learn more about my guides and how best to communicate with them. One thing I have always said to myself is, I can get through this, and this hardship is okay IF it has a purpose… if I am meant to go through some pain so I can show another that there is light at the end of the tunnel, then ok, I accept this hardship with as much dignity as possible. It is not an easy thing to accept the downfalls that come with living a human existence, but the more I let the Universe, God, my Guides, etc. take over and take the wheel, sometimes, just sometimes, the best outcome is greater than I could ever have imagined. I am grateful each and every day I get a chance to connect with another human being and help them feel less alone, less scared, less “weird”. I want to promote healing and positivity and love through my blog and the service I offer with personal readings. (And share images of Sammy, my dog, because he’s so darn cute and creates smiles!)

* Even though I do share personal experiences through my blog and in my readings, and do have a background in social work, please always remember to follow your own intuition!! :0) My readings and blog do not take place of any medical, financial, legal or mental health professionals!! What I share is more about building friendships and a community. Anything you find on my website or during a personal reading is meant as entertainment only and your decisions are yours to make!! :0)

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